Political stress

Political stress
The intensity and degree of anger and vitriol about politics I’m seeing on social media, in the news, and even in my own family is worrisome. What is highly concerning is how people seem to be unable to share opposing views in a civilized manner or accept that there are others who don’t and won’t agree with them. There seems to be a personalization of beliefs as opposed to seeing a liberal or conservative as separate from their political ideations. Someone who is prochoice is a “baby killer” and a person who believes in border control is obviously a racist. This negativity surrounding us day in and day out is having an impact on all of us, how can it not? There seems to be a collective pessimism about the future pervading our emotions, attitudes, and beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world.

I believe that each of us individually can bring about change in ourselves that can then positively affect those around us. If we all can make an effort to accept the humanity and basic goodness of others, even those who hold views we find impossible to understand, does it not make sense that things can get better for everyone?